Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 19 director visiting

Day 19 director visiting

We covered on how to do business in China for IS today. They have many do’s and don’ts here but it’s roughly the same as Singapore. Example: not staring at people, or not giving taboo stuff like clocks and shoes as presents. This really made me think, is it necessary to do business here in China when there are so many other markets out there?

Everyone says that China is one of the hottest markets in the world now, but size doesn’t determine how great the market is, it’s what they have to offer VS the size. A huge market doesn’t mean that they are good and a small market doesn’t mean that they are lousy.

After IS, Ngee Ann’s deputy principle came to visit us to see how we were, and if we liked Wuhan.  It was really nice of him to stop by even with his busy schedule. Photos taken and that was the end.


listening to the director
