Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 23- IS

It’s our last IS lesson today, we learnt about the history of Chinese philosophy and culture. They have plenty practices such as the boss has to sit facing the door and the smallest staff have to sit back facing the door plus he/she has to foot the bill! This does not happen in Singapore, usually in Singapore, the boss will give the treat and they do not practice such seating arrangements.
After that we were given this worksheet, where we have to give perspective of different scenario, there was one scenario where this guy (the china guy) he plays host to this American guy, he does everything with him when the American guy was in china, but when the china guy went to America he didn’t get the same treatment and the china guy wasn’t happy with him and didn’t want to talk to him ever again. In my perspective I feel that it’s okay however in the perspective of China people, they want the same treatment as they give others and they feel that they are obligated to bring them all around and follow them wherever the visitor wants.