Isn’t 8AM very familiar? Yes w had to assemble at 8AM yet again! On our way to the history museum there were many vehicle breakdowns! First there was a public bus, and next it was some taxi, these little actions made the trip to the museum even longer and unbearable the tour guide told us that if the museum is booked at a specific timing and if we aren’t there at that time, we will not be able to enter, thankfully that didn’t happen because it would have been a wasted trip for us and being out by 8 wouldn’t be worth it!
We got there just in time, the museum was divided into 3 parts, first it was the main building, the ones on the left were archaeology findings and the right side was a theatre where they performed musical instruments for 15 minutes ( for a price of course)

group photo outside the museum

the armour that the horses wear

the outer cover of the coffin, its to protect the main coffin

a cup where they store spices

spoiling meixiu's photo! I fell thus the kneeling position, the rest just posing behind her!
After the museum, we headed to “dong hu” to have our lunch, it wasn’t at some pretty restaurant near the lake neither was it on a boat. We had our lunches on the grass, a very American way of having a picnic! The weather was just nice for having a picnic, it was hot neither was it cold it was just nice! We found a spot sat down and had our “lunch” which mainly contained of chips! ( really bad for health ) after that we were free to roam about.
Met at 2 PM and we headed back to the hostel. I really felt like going back to the lake because I didn’t want to do my project! For the past few days, the only thing that was on mind was , PROJECT! We Quickly discussed as a group and we went out to get our hair done.Practically half the class went to the same shop Sihao's clique and my clique, now half the class has premed hair, but me not liking to follow trends decided to trim my hair only.
We went to this shop called "Yes I do", when we first entered,we were greeted warmly by the the people there, the service in this shop is really good! They treated us really well, from the time we entered till the time we left, never once did they shout! The best part it is super duper cheap! 25RMB to cut, wash and style that's like 5 SGD ! which part of Singapore can you get such services?! tell me if you do know of that place (:
When it was free and easy time, I was roaming about viewing the exhibits and I found out that some of the artefacts are replicas and not the real ones, I was rather surprised because I thought that everything that is being showcased were are authentic and not replicas! From this I’ve learnt that we cannot look things as it is, we have to READ! If I haven’t read the boards I would have been bluffed for the rest of my life.