Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 13 and 14

Day 13-Tiring Tuesday

Yes, we did have lessons; we live a very monotonous life here. Wake up , lesson, lunch, lesson, dinner, sleep and the cycle repeats the next day.

We learnt about cost crashing its basically trying to shorten the duration a projects needs. It can be applied in our daily lives be it big or small matters it can be used. Nothing much happened today.


Using cost crashing as a method of cutting cost can really benefit each other. But we have to get things straight; we cannot just decrease this event by 2 days thinking it’s not important but actually every little thing affect the next event.

Day 14 Wednesday-Project discussion!

We spent the whole day afternoon completing our project management, figuring out what events to follow which is purely annoying and hair pulling, but we manage to figure it out together. Following that we went to get snacks from Wal-Mart for our trip to 三峡 , we were told that the toilets are disgusting and also the food there is going to be very expensive, which lead us to stock up!

Back to the hostel to complete even more work for the presentation. What a Boring day.

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