Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 27 class in the afternoon!

Lesson was postponed to the afternoon, because one of our classmates had to go to the hospital the day before which lead to some delay for Miss Neo, thus postponing class. From what I heard, the school hospital didn’t accept him because he wasn’t a student here in WUST. In a way he was lucky because he was not in a life and death situation; however I felt that they are being very inflexible and unreasonable they could have just checked his temperature or what not and from there decide if he needs to go the bigger hospitals in the city.
We continued with PM in the afternoon, we learnt about leadership, a project manager has to know how to lead and not just sit there and wait for instruction. They also have to know their strength and weaknesses of their team members and delegate them jobs that are suited for them. The latter is very important because if someone is not suited for that particular task, their superior shouldn’t make them take on that task as it will not only cause trouble and problems, they would also have to.
Followed by lessons we went to Wal-Mart, to buy more snacks to bring back to Singapore! At the rate that we’re buying back we could easily set up a shop to sell!

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