Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 36-crazy shopping!

Totally free! We set off at 3pm to Jiang Han Lu, it might be umpteen time I’ve been there, but I’m not bored of it yet! Which is good? Everything there is way cheaper than what we see at the shopping centres here.

Before reaching the street we went to the bank to get our Sing dollars changed. I realised that changing money in Singapore is way easier than changing it here; it can easily locate the money changer at any shopping centres or at any neighbourhood centrals, however, the only way to change money here is going to the bank, with your passport in hand and wait for your queue number to be called out! Time consuming and just a waste of time! If only they weren’t so corrupted changing money here will be a breeze.


Due to corruption and fraud they have to take extra measures, which give us foreigner’s trouble, however making them change immediately would be impossible, so China take one step at a time! I’m sure during my next visit, it will be way better!

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