Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 41: Hasta La Vista China

Yes the day has finally come, we’re going back. Mixed feelings from everyone, yes we’re happy to get back and no because the life we’ve had here for the past 6 weeks here is really something that you have to experience firsthand in order to know how it is like.

At first all of us were all so whining, we whined about everything, the weather, the food, the people, the hostel we’re living in, the list just goes on. However we overcame all those and made do with everything and overcame all the trials that come our way, missing everything back in Singapore, the lifestyle we had, from not doing chores to doing them, waking up by ourselves with no one to make sure that we go back to sleep, to having to settle our own meals every single day, studying without any supervision and also handling our own expenses, with no one here to hand us money when we’re left with nothing. This has made us grown to become stronger and better people and definitely help us me as I’ll be graduating soon and responsibility and independence is something I need to have.

Gradually we got to know each other; we started talking to one another outside class, like during breaks and when we were feeling bored, we would just pop by one of the room and just talk. Even though there were conflicts between us, example people banging doors and screaming and shouting in the middle of the night, we were able to put that aside and think of solutions to stop all those.
On the morning that we were leaving everyone was panicking, rushing to bring down all the luggage and cartons that we’ve packed and checking frantically if we have left anything behind. When we got onto the buses, the local students were there to send us off! It was a pity our local students couldn’t send us off because they had 8 AM classes, but never mind we’ll see them here in Singapore soon!

as we bid farewell to the local stuff and students ): 
There were tears, tears of joy of course! The friendship we made here is something that I’ll keep for the rest of my life (:

There was a sudden change in temperature when we got to the airport. That aside we quickly checked in even though our flight was delayed 1 hour, we used the time to have lunch and by the time we were done we could board the plane! There was a delay when we were about to take off causing our flight back to Singapore to be delayed another 2 hours! ZOMG!

As we were about to touch down, everyone in the plane started to count down and cheered once the plane touch the ground! Like whoooooooooooo we’re finally back! As we walked out of the gates, we could see plenty of people waving and yes they were our relatives and friends all waving and smiling (:!

lyrics from camp rock hasta la vista, this song summaries what I want to say in this whole post.

" Couldn't wait to leave but now I hate to go
Last day of camp. Packing my bags slow
Made so many friends. Why does it have to end
In the end it's a win. Because we grown so close together
Remember when we first met. First day
Figured this would be no fun. No way
And now it time to leave. But now we wanna stay "


PS:credits to hazel for group photos

Click here for more photos of my trip


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